Item Quality
We sell Brand New Genuine LEGO® Products, as well as other Brand Name Toys and Accessories. In most cases, these items are warranted by their respective manufacturers and not by The Brick Chick. Collectors or any buyers with an expectation of perfection in their LEGO® Toys will want to seek assistance from LEGO® directly if the quality of any brick or element does not meet the quality standards they expect for such toy products. Mould changes, sprue imprints, colour differences, and minor scratches from rubbing together with other bricks while in LEGO® packaging are examples of things we cannot troubleshoot on your behalf, as we purchase our LEGO® from stores just like every other consumer and have no special access to the LEGO® toys you love. Please remember that “New” does not mean “Perfect.”
Why So Expensive?
We resell LEGO® Toys purchased through many retail outlets around the globe. We do not always buy LEGO® when it is first released, nor do we get large purchase discounts, so our prices reflect market conditions at the time we acquire these goods. Without buying LEGO® wholesale, we cannot offer it at a price less than you can find on the store shelves locally, but we do have rare and often unique items that you can no longer find anywhere else. Our LEGO® is priced according to many factors for which the cost of acquisition is merely one. If you wish to find items at a lower price, we encourage you to check out our BrickLink Store as well as the hundreds of other fine vendors there.
SortLUG is a LEGO® Users Group started by The Brick Chick in mid 2020 when the Pandemic made visiting in person LEGO® Fan events impossible. SortLUG is a weekly online drop in Zoom call suitable for any AFOL who wishes to chat with like minded adult LEGO® lovers on any given Friday night. The calls are devoted to online sorting of LEGO® bricks and socializing…what we call SORTALIZING. Please join our Facebook Group to participate or get further information!
Order Pickup
The Brick Chick is located in BC Canada on a small Coastal Island named Mudge. It is such a small island that we do not even have a postal code! Access to our home and business is only by private boat, so unfortunately picking your order up at our workshop is not possible.
Shipping Frequency
We cross to gabriola Island to drop packages into the mail at least three times per week unless stated otherwise. Because we operate our micro business from a small island on the coast of Vancouver Island, we are subject to the whims of nature and sometimes are unable to get across the channel in bad weather. You will be notified if your order is delayed for any such reason. Feel free to contact us with any delivery related questions and check our Shipping page for additional details.